
  • Reading time:2 mins read

As the world begins to slowly open back up over the next few months, rejoice and be glad in returning to those people and activities you’ve dearly missed over the past year. I know there are several things I’m desperately looking forward to; it’s been hard, but we are close.

But please, don’t abandon everything you’ve learned and adapted to. You’ve faced challenges and grown over the past year. You’ve had to try new things, develop new skills and form new habits—almost all forced upon you and something you wouldn’t choose in your default state.

Don’t be so enamored with the idea of returning to “normal” that you toss these aside heedlessly. Despite the hardship, I’d be willing to bet you can probably identify at least three positive things that came out of your pandemic experience. Carry those forward with intention. Keep that sourdough starter going. Spend more time with your immediate family. Keep reading books. Set aside more quiet time. Whatever it was that got you though, keep at it—it will bear fruit in a post-pandemic world too, I promise you.

We’re all different people than we were a year ago. Lean into it, and keep moving forward.

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